Triage for Next Level Performance: Lisa’s Presentation for My Career Transitions

Lisa's presentation for My Career Transitions

BDU’s triage approach – determining which three areas, if improved upon, will have the biggest impact on performance – is not just for people who are in a sales career. Triaging your efforts is for everyone, and everyone is selling something in one form or another.

In October, Lisa had the opportunity to talk about BDU’s triage approach with a group of attendees at a My Career Transitions event held at Penn State Great Valley. My Career Transitions helps professionals throughout the Greater Philadelphia area navigate the career transition process. Their network and events are free thanks to generous volunteers, speakers and venue hosts.

Lisa’s presentation, “Triage: Improving 3 Key Areas for Next Level Performance,” addressed the role of sales in everyone’s lives. Everyone is selling something, even in the career transition process, whether it’s selling yourself in an interview, presenting an idea or trying to make an impression on someone in your network. Lisa challenged the participants to uncover what three areas, if improved upon, would have the biggest impact on however they define their success.

Seeking employment or a job transition like many attendees at the event? Here are some tips Lisa has to get you started:

  1. Be ready to make a great first impression.
  2. Be able to articulate who you are, not only with a 30-second elevator speech but also your success stories.
  3. Have some quantifiable results for your successes (i.e. “As a project manager, I was able to implement a one-year project in only six months, which resulted in increased productivity throughout the organization.”)
  4. Set a game plan with measurable goals and determine the activities you need to do to directly impact your results.

For more information about BDU’s triage methodology and how you can make it work for you or your organization, please contact us.

For more information about My Career Transitions, visit