Keeping your pipeline filled with good, qualified prospects takes time and effort. Instead of spending all your energy prospecting for brand new business and trying to forge new relationships, try reaching out and reconnecting with past opportunities!
We’ve all had clients, prospects and Centers of Influence (COIs) with whom we’ve fallen out of contact. Instead of just letting those relationships go, reach out and get back in touch. You never know when these past contacts could present an opportunity for more business for you, and you won’t have to spend additional time making new connections if you simply re-engage:
- Former clients – Maybe they stopped utilizing your products or services because their budget changed, or perhaps their business went in another direction. Now is the perfect time to reach back out and see if they’re ready to make the switch back.
- Former prospects – Did a past prospect drop off and go radio silent? Pick up the phone or send an email to get back in front of them. Remind them of the hot buttons you uncovered previously and why your solution may be a better option than their current one.
- COIs – If you haven’t been in touch with your key contacts for a while, what are you waiting for? Set up a time to get together to catch up and figure out if there might be current opportunities to work together. At the very least, they’ll be reminded of what you have to offer, and you’ll be fresh on their mind when it comes time to recommend your product or service to their network.
Need help re-engaging past contacts and closing more business? BDU can work with you on a customized solution to boost your revenue and improve the bottom line. Contact us to learn more.