Consider doing a little “spring cleaning” on your business development efforts to remain focused and purposeful in your activities:
- Reevaluate and make a plan. Don’t just wing it. Be purposeful in your approach.
- Update your “to do” list. What items reoccur on your list week after week and don’t get accomplished? Does it still make sense to execute those tasks? If so, get them done now. If not, delete the task or move it to a later date.
- Revisit your internal and external allies. Think about those who provide help and support. Strengthen those relationships while gracefully bowing out of those that don’t.
- Determine who needs follow-up. Who are the people that you’ve been meaning to follow up with but haven’t? Reach out now to set up a call or meeting, and follow through.
- Refresh your LinkedIn profile. Could your photo, headline or summary use updating? Are there any new projects, posts, boards or activities to add? Also, consider requesting a LinkedIn recommendation from a valued client or connection.
- Review and update your written content. Look at everything that you’ve created in the past six months. Is there anything that can be repurposed with a quick update?
As you “spring clean” and enter the second half of 2018, it’s important to also keep the acronym “S.E.D.O.” in mind to help you establish a meaningful business development process:
- Simplify
- Eliminate
- Delegate
- Outsource
Utilize these tools through spring and beyond, and check back for more business development tips as summer approaches!
Need more help putting together a plan to maximize your time spent on business development and boost your referrals to keep your pipeline full? BDU’s Professional Services Team can mentor and assist you with developing well-defined activities to support your success. Contact us to learn more.