Thinking in Threes: Listen to Lisa’s Interview on the Top 3 Podcast

Thinking in Threes: Listen to Lisa's Interview on the Top 3 Podcast

Lisa was recently welcomed as a guest on the Top 3 Podcast, hosted by her long-time friend Marcia O’Connor, CEO and Founder of The O’Connor Group.

Listen to the episode now to hear their discussion about the importance of being purposeful in all that you do, as well as how to maintain proper relationships. You’ll also learn about BDU’s triage philosophy of determining the top three areas that, if improved upon, will have the biggest impact on performance. In addition, find out what Lisa says were some of the past mistakes she’s made on her road to success, which she shares in the hopes that others can learn from her and avoid making themselves.

Marcia also asked Lisa what three words she’d use to best describe herself, and the answer Lisa gives speaks volumes about who she is and the kind of work that she does.

Listen to the podcast and learn Lisa’s three words, and more, now!

If you would like to learn more about The O’Connor Group or listen to other Top 3 podcast episodes, visit The O’Connor Group’s website here.

To learn more about Lisa and some of the ways she and BDU have helped clients achieve next-level success, click here.