Every Sales Manager has a one-line job description – to make their sales associates as successful as possible. There are 5 key areas that every Sales Manager should be focusing on so that they have a handle on their team’s goals and motivations:
- Average Sale – If we divide out the total sales needed by the average sale, it will tell us how many sales we need
- Close Ratio- Once we know the close ratio we can back out our metrics, which tell us how many proposals we need to hit our goals
- Sales Associates Triage Areas – Top 3 areas that if improved upon will have the biggest impact on performance
- Sales Plan – Every team member should have a 30/60/90 day plan that includes activity and results goals and there should be a weekly meeting to review what is working and not working
- Motivation – Know what motivates each team member. Not everyone has the same level of motivation and it is important to understand what works for each person individually on the team
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