You might not know this but our Chief Administrative Officer, Rachel Acquaviva, is an extremely talented artist and illustrator. For years, we’ve been enjoying the whimsical work she shares on her Instagram, @FollowThatVegan, and recently asked her to put together something special that we could share with our network.
Click here to download and start coloring
In these times, it’s important we find the beauty in everything and take time to really #squeezethelemon to be sure we’re getting the most from all we do. Rachel has done a fantastic job bringing to life this BDU philosophy we live by since now more than ever we must make sure we’re making the most out of everything that comes our way.
We hope you – and anyone of any age in your life who enjoys coloring – will download this coloring page and take some time out of your day to relax and make Rachel’s drawing into a real work of beauty.
We’d love to see your finished work. Post your completed coloring sheet on social media and be sure to tag us! Here’s where you can find us:
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@BusDevU - Facebook - LinkedIn - Instagram