What is a Sales Kickoff? The Purpose and Power of Kickoff Meetings

What is a Sales Kickoff

Imagine a room filled with enthusiastic sales reps, eager to tackle the upcoming year with fresh strategies and a renewed sense of purpose. Welcome to the sales kickoff meeting! But what exactly is a sales kickoff, and why is it so crucial for sales teams? What Does Kickoff Mean in Business and Sales? In the business world, a kickoff marks … Read More

The Six Questions You Need To Ask Yourself This Month

Did You Know?

December is a great time to reflect on your past year and plan for success in the year ahead. At BDU, we take a “triage approach” to business development. This process helps individuals and companies determine the three areas that, if approved upon, will have the biggest impact on performance. Here are six questions to ask yourself to help you find your “triage … Read More