“Squeeze the Lemon”: How to Get the Most Out of All You Do

Squeeze the Lemon

At BDU, one of our core philosophies is the concept of “squeezing the lemon.” It’s not about turning lemons into lemonade. It’s the idea of “squeezing” the most out of everything we do and maximizing every opportunity to make the most out of a situation, whether it’s for business or in our personal lives. Even something as basic as taking … Read More

Want to End the Year Strong? Do These Three Things Right Now

With the summer months quickly coming to an end and the fall season right around the corner, now is the time to make sure you’re not only hitting but exceeding the goals you set for 2017. There are only a few short months left until a new year begins, so you need to make sure you’re preparing yourself or your … Read More

7 Steps for Successfully Building a New Business

Learn Lisa's 7 tips for budding entrepreneurs

As the Sales Executive in Residence at Temple University, BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin had the opportunity on Thursday, July 20th to present at the Innovation & Entrepreneurship’s Startup Studio, a forum for new and upcoming business leaders. In her talk, given mostly to the 2017 BYOBB finalists and other new entrepreneurs, Lisa covered the key aspects of growing a young … Read More

The Top Four Reasons Sales People Quit (and How to Keep Them)

If you’re responsible for managing a sales team, it’s likely you’ve seen your sales associates come and go. However, have you ever wondered if you could possibly do things differently in order to decrease a rapid rate of turnover and keep a strong sales team in place? Here are the top four reasons your sales people are most likely to … Read More

Words of Wisdom from Expert Kim Richmond

Kim Richmond

In May, BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin had the opportunity to once again join a panel of “sharks” for “Sales Shark Tank,” a presentation for Kim Richmond’s Personal Selling course at Rutgers University in Camden. During the “Sales Shark Tank,” teams of students from Richmond’s class practiced demonstrating their sales skills by presenting various products they’ve created to the panel of … Read More

Four Steps to Making Time for Rainmaking

making time for Rainmaking

“If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.” Those words of wisdom from Ben Franklin were a focal point of BDU’s CLE workshop, Making Time for Rainmaking. BDU’s Beth Rosenfeld and Heather Herrington held several interactive sessions on this valuable topic. The 90-minute sessions focused on developing individual plans for carving out time for business development and marketing, as … Read More

Three Secrets of Sales Success

Do you want to know the three secrets of sales success? BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin uncovers these “expert secrets” in this short, informative video by ASI. (Read their full post at www.asicentral.com.) Want to learn more from Lisa? Join her at the next ASI show in Chicago!

Overcome Objections and Close More Sales Now

Objections can come at any time throughout the sales cycle. You may be presented with one when you first reach out to schedule an appointment with a prospective client. Another objection may come after you’ve presented solutions and are ready to go for the close. It’s important to know how to: Anticipate objections Handle objections once they arise Use different techniques … Read More

Heather Herrington, Esq. Joins the BDU Team

Business Development University (BDU) is pleased to announce the addition of Heather Herrington, Esq. to the BDU team as a Professional Services Coach and Trainer. Prior to working at BDU, Herrington was a practicing attorney for 12 years. She’s an avid networker and connector who has held leadership roles on the boards of both industry and non-industry organizations. Throughout her … Read More

The Six Questions You Need To Ask Yourself This Month

Did You Know?

December is a great time to reflect on your past year and plan for success in the year ahead. At BDU, we take a “triage approach” to business development. This process helps individuals and companies determine the three areas that, if approved upon, will have the biggest impact on performance. Here are six questions to ask yourself to help you find your “triage … Read More

Lisa Peskin Interview on WNJC 1360 AM


Our CEO, Lisa Peskin, appeared on WNJC 1360 AM on Thursday, June 23, as part of Brian C. Greenberg’s the “Greenberg News Show.” Peskin was brought onto Greenberg’s show to highlight women who have broken through glass ceilings in their careers and industries. Her growth personally and with Business Development University, through what Greenberg termed ‘cutting edge’ business strategy and … Read More

‘Tis the Season…to Evaluate Your Sales Activities

The holidays are truly a time to appreciate the company of good friends, family and loved ones.  But between all the eggnog and cookie tins, it’s easy to forget that the New Year is also a wonderful time to reflect on the past year professionally. It is a time to review your progress on last year’s goals and to set new … Read More

Happy Thanksgiving!

Not a day goes by that we don’t appreciate our team and our clients too, It’s a shame it takes Thanksgiving for us to thank each and everyone of you. And to thank you for your business may seem so very cliché, But without your trust and commitment we wouldn’t be here today. We couldn’t be more grateful or thankful … Read More

5 Tips for All Sales Managers

How to Get Your Team Hitting Their Goals

Every Sales Manager has a one-line job description – to make their sales associates as successful as possible. There are 5 key areas that every Sales Manager should be focusing on so that they have a handle on their team’s goals and motivations: Average Sale – If we divide out the total sales needed by the average sale, it will … Read More

Simplify, Eliminate, Delegate and Outsource

Back in my days as VP of Sales, I used to say I could spend the entire day, every day, engaged in mail management.  Every day I would get upwards of 30 voice mails, more than 50 emails, and a stack of paper that was responsible for the death of a small forest.  But I quickly learned that spending too … Read More

The 3 Questions All Sales Professionals Must Ask Themselves

Sales and business development are a function of three key areas.  So if your sales aren’t where you think they should be, you need to ask yourself three questions: Am I doing the right activities to fill the pipeline with qualified prospects on a consistent basis? Do I have a good process, once I’m in front of prospect or suspect, … Read More

Sales Managers NEED to Use the “R” FIVE Approach

In order to maximize top line growth, it is important to examine 5 critical components of a sales organization by asking the following question: Do you have the Right number of the Right people doing the Right number of the Right things Right? The first aspect of growing a sales organization is to evaluate whether you have the right number of sales people working for you. As companies grow, there … Read More

11 Strategies Sales Professionals Need to Manage Their Email

Weeding through and responding to email is one of the most time consuming activities we might have on a daily basis. When I was VP of Sales at ADP, between snail mail, email and voice mail, I could spend all day with mail management.   Today, it is primarily email that bogs us down and the most frustrating thing about it is … Read More

Does Your Customer Service Team Drive Leads to Your Sales Professionals?

The most customer facing group we have are the professionals answering the questions our clients are asking every day. Their interaction is a rapport building opportunity to create a customer loyalty experience, but it is also the best opportunity to identify other needs of theses clients.  There isn’t a better time to close than after an objection or issue has been … Read More

Stop Selling Your Stuff

A common mistake when in sales is that people think they know what their clients needs are without really asking them.  We have found many of our clients struggle with asking the right questions to fully determine what their clients needs are.   We at Business Development University recommend to our clients all the time to stop selling and start … Read More

Line in the Sand

  There is a line in the sand for sales professionals as well as non-selling professionals that need to develop business.  That line is the imaginary line that if crossed, takes someone from being a professional “sales” person to that unprofessional, pushy “used car salesman” type individual.    So many business developers are so afraid of people viewing them as too … Read More


For those of you that have ever gone fishing with a fishing rod…typically there is one hook at the end of the line and the most that you can ever catch is one at a time.  Now, when the fisherman takes a big old net through a school of fish she catches a multitude of fish at once.  That is … Read More