Taking Classes at BDU: Lisa’s Interview on the Shareable Podcast

On a recent episode of the Shareable Podcast, BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin spoke with host Jeff Gibbard about all things sales. She shared some inspirational stories from her own career in sales and sales leadership, how to apply her “squeeze the lemon” philosophy, and some of the basic fundamentals needed for success. Listen now to learn the sales secrets Lisa … Read More

Running World-Class Sales Meetings

Lisa’s Takeaways for Sales Leaders from the Extreme Sales Summit 2020 Lisa was thrilled to be a part of the Extreme Sales Summit last month, where she presented to sales leaders on how to run effective meetings with their teams. She was greatly honored to be included in this three-day event alongside incredible long-time sales superstars who had a major … Read More

Are You Being Your Own Best Sales “Boss”?

Sales is truly the best career out there but like anything there are ups and downs. Being in sales is basically like running your own little business, with the upside that often you have the benefit of not having to pay for your own supplies, expenses or operation costs. However, the downside is that in this little business of yours, … Read More

Five Tips for 2020 Sales Success (and Beyond)

As we’re well into the month of September now, with Labor Day behind us and the unofficial end of summer here, it’s time to ramp up your efforts and focus on what you can accomplish for the remainder of the calendar year. Not sure where to start? Here are five things you can do right now to not only finish … Read More

Work Hard and Smart, and Turn Your Dreams into a Reality

By Janet Nankin, Managing Director, Southeast Region It’s not enough to just hope and dream about success. You’ve got to go out there and start doing something! On social media recently, I came across a post that shared a list of “Rules to Teach Your Son” or how to make your boy into a gentleman. At first glance, and certainly … Read More

Trust and Follow the Process

As you know, we welcome sales professionals to our free Sales Success Peer Group sessions every Friday at 12 PM EST for support, networking and conversation surrounding the wins and the challenges we all experience. Recently, Lisa has had the pleasure of welcoming some very special sales superstars as her guests, and they’ve shared the secrets to their sales and … Read More

“Speaking to Influence”: Listen to Lisa’s Interview with host Dr. Laura Sicola

Lisa was so excited to be welcomed as a guest recently on “Speaking to Influence” with Dr. Laura Sicola of Vocal Impact Productions. They talked about sales leadership, including how to communicate in a way that fosters improvement and growth, how to best provide feedback and when to be vulnerable when leading your team. Listen to Lisa’s interview now! About … Read More

What We’ve Learned, Part Three

Over the past few months, business – and life – as we know it has changed in so many ways. At BDU, we’ve had to pivot and take some new approaches to how we do business, as well as how we support our clients and our network. We’ve set up weekly support sessions to bring the sales community together, taken … Read More

What We’ve Learned, Part Two

Over the past few months, business – and life – as we know it has changed in so many ways. At BDU, we’ve had to pivot and take some new approaches to how we do business, as well as how we support our clients and our network. We’ve set up weekly support sessions to bring the sales community together, taken … Read More

What We’ve Learned, Part One

Over the past few months, business – and life – as we know it has changed in so many ways. At BDU, we’ve had to pivot and take some new approaches to how we do business, as well as how we support our clients and our network. We’ve set up weekly support sessions to bring the sales community together, taken … Read More

“The Expert Channel”: Listen to Lisa’s Interview with host Phyllis Smith

On Wednesday, June 10th, BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin had the opportunity to be a guest on “The Expert Channel,” where she and host Phyllis Smith discussed sales, adjusting to doing business in a virtual environment and how to handle the unique challenges salespeople have been facing over the past few months. Did you miss Lisa’s interview live? Listen now! About … Read More

Download BDU’s Free #SqueezeTheLemon Coloring Page!

You might not know this but our Chief Administrative Officer, Rachel Acquaviva, is an extremely talented artist and illustrator. For years, we’ve been enjoying the whimsical work she shares on her Instagram, @FollowThatVegan, and recently asked her to put together something special that we could share with our network. Click here to download and start coloring In these times, it’s … Read More

Come Join Us for BDU’s “Sales Success Peer Group”!

REGISTER NOW Starting in January 2022, we will be changing the frequency of our peer group sessions from monthly to quarterly so that we can continue to provide other offerings to our BDU network that will be instrumental in driving sales in the new year (and beyond). These will continue to be a time to support one another, to network … Read More

“Squeeze the Lemon”: Virtual Sales Development Sessions

Our series of virtual sales development sessions has ended. However, please visit our Eventbrite page to view our other upcoming webinars and events. If you are interested in discussing ways that we can support you or your team with private training sessions, please contact us to learn more. As salespeople, it’s clear that the way we used to do business … Read More

Sales Leaders: What Should We Be Doing Right Now?

As anyone who oversees a sales team knows, sales leaders have a one-line job description: to maximize the performance and potential of our sales associates. But how do we go about doing this when there’s no business as usual anymore and our salespeople are all working remotely? This is an incredibly challenging time for anyone in sales. As sales leaders, … Read More

Q & A with Lisa: Should I Even Be Prospecting Right Now?

Question: Lisa, since everything is so up in the air right now is it appropriate for me to prospect?  Answer: As you can imagine, this is the number one question I have been getting over the last few weeks from so many salespeople. Everyone is wondering the same thing: “Should I be prospecting during this crazy time?” My answer? It’s … Read More

Join BDU for Free Sales or Sales Leader “Therapy”

UPDATE: BDU’s “Therapy” is now “Sales Success Peer Group”! Learn more and sign up to join us.   We recognize that we are living in an uncertain time right now. As a sales or sales leadership professional, you may be thinking about what to do next.  At BDU, we want to help. We’re bringing the sales and sales leadership communities … Read More

It’s Time to Establish a New Game Plan

By Lisa Peskin, CEO In the midst of this current uncertainty, it’s time to re-evaluate our efforts. We are in the middle of a scary, uncharted time right now. There is no more “business as usual,” yet our quotas are not going away and we are still expected to make sales. So, what should we be doing to continue to … Read More

Need to Fill Your Pipeline? Try Resurrecting Old Opportunities!

Keeping your pipeline filled with good, qualified prospects takes time and effort. Instead of spending all your energy prospecting for brand new business and trying to forge new relationships, try reaching out and reconnecting with past opportunities! We’ve all had clients, prospects and Centers of Influence (COIs) with whom we’ve fallen out of contact. Instead of just letting those relationships … Read More

Sales Strategy: Try Name Dropping

In sales, you cannot underestimate the impact that name dropping can have on your sales success. Mention some clients you’re helping when you speak with a prospect. Suddenly they can visualize how you’ll be able to assist them in the same way. Talk with your Centers of Influence (COIs) about your past clients’ successes; they’ll immediately understand the value of … Read More

Why Confidence is Key w/BDU’s Chris Miller

“Without confidence, you very well may struggle in sales.” – Christine Miller, BDU Sales Trainer and Coach, New England Region Confidence is integral to your success as a sales person. You need to be confident in order to tackle all aspects of sales, from networking and prospecting to going for the close. In this video, Chris explains what confidence really … Read More

Sales Success: Do You Know Your Competition?

You already know that you are not going to win the sale every time. You can, however, do everything you can to give yourself the best odds of winning the business. This includes identifying your competition. If you don’t know who you are going up against, you have no way of figuring out how to position yourself properly against them. … Read More

Why You Should Keep an Objection-Handling Diary

By Jackie Cumo, Sales Consultant Keeping a log of the most frequent client and prospect objections you hear will help you have great responses at the ready. If you’re like me, you sometimes find yourself coming up with the best responses to an objection after you’ve already left the meeting. I’ve often found myself in the parking lot or on … Read More

Multi-Touch Approach for Prospecting Success

Is it better to contact 100 prospects one time each or ten prospects ten times each? Setting appointments today is very different than prospecting in the past. Gone are the days of picking up the phone and getting the decision-makers on the line. Today, very few people answer their phones; it’s getting harder and harder to get in touch with … Read More

BDU Welcomes Three New Team Members

Welcome Janet, Jeanne and Jackie!

  Business Development University is thrilled to announce the addition of our three newest team members! Janet Nankin, Managing Director, Southeast Region Janet spearheads BDU’s expansion to the southeast region, bringing a solid history of achievement in financial sales and entrepreneurship to help elevate the business environment in South Florida. Lisa Peskin, CEO and Founder of BDU, is so excited … Read More

Stop Wasting Time! Three Easy Strategies for Better Time Management

Stop wasting time with these tips from BDU

Did you know that the average person wastes about two and a half hours every day? If you take a five-day work week and add it up, this totals 650 hours of wasted time annually. If you divide that by 8-hour work days, you’re wasting around 81 days – or nearly 12 full weeks – every single year. Think of … Read More

Dear BDU: Lisa’s Guest Columns for Philadelphia Business Journal Online

Philadelphia Business Journal

Did you know that BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin has answered some pressing sales and business questions as a guest columnist for the Philadelphia Business Journal’s online magazine? In these “Dear BDU” posts, Lisa gave advice on getting the most from your sales team, how to best handle the pressure of a sales career and more. Check them out now! Help! … Read More

Every Result Needs an Activity, and Every Activity Needs a Result

You know that there are certain business development and sales activities you should be performing, but do you know why? Have you set clearly defined goals for the results you wish to achieve by doing everything you do? It’s so important to be purposeful in your activities so you know why you’re doing them. On the flip side, if you … Read More

Meeting Seating: Does Where You Sit Make a Difference?

Choose your meeting seat carefully

When meeting with clients and prospects, you know the importance of setting an agenda, effectively navigating negotiations and being prepared to handle objections. However, have you also considered where you’re going to sit when you enter the room? Where you – and others – are seated can be just as important to a meeting as what you say and how … Read More

How to Maximize Client Relationships and Opportunities This Summer

Tips for maximizing summer months to build client relationships

We’ve mentioned before that business activity shouldn’t stop just because it’s summertime. Not only are these warmer, more laid-back months a wonderful time to network and create new relationships, but summer can also provide the perfect chance to check in with your current clients and work on building existing relationships. As we approach the month of July – and with … Read More

The Six Key Components of a Successful Prospecting Call

Phone prospecting is difficult. It’s hard to get a person on the line, and when you finally do reach someone you want to make sure you’re doing all you can during the call to achieve your ultimate goal: setting an appointment. It’s not easy, which is why we’ve outlined six key components of successful prospecting calls to help you plan … Read More

Local CEOs Rank “Improving Sales Performance” as a Top Ten Priority This Year

CEO Think Tank once again published the findings of their annual growth strategies survey. This year’s results found that out of the top twenty priorities for CEOs in and around the Greater Philadelphia area, improving sales performance came in at #6. It’s not surprising at all. At BDU, we hear over and over again from CEOs, business owners and sales … Read More