The ONE Key Step Your Prospecting Meetings Should Always Include

Always set an agenda!

Appointments with prospects can be stressful. There’s a lot of ground to cover, and you have an idea of what you want to discuss and what you’re hoping to get out of the meeting. However, they don’t always end up going the way you envision. It’s easy to get off track, and sometimes when you reach the end of the … Read More

The Best Sales Methodology Out There: Be the Person You’d Want to Work With

There are many different sales methodologies out there, and if you’ve ever purchased something you’ve probably come across a variety. You’ve most likely experienced quite a few that were manipulative, pushy and a complete turn off. Instead of going through with the sale, you probably walked away vowing never to come back or work with that sales person again. It … Read More

Lisa’s Number One Secret for Upselling and Cross-Selling

We’ve said it numerous times before; we all know that it’s easier to keep an existing client or customer than to go out and find brand new business. If you can upsell or cross-sell to your current client base, that’s even better. How do you go about getting more business out of an existing client? Lisa’s number one secret for … Read More

5 Tips for Turning Happy Clients into Your Best Referral Sources

Five tips for asking happy clients for referrals

There are many reasons that your happy clients or customers can be some of your best sources for referrals. They know – and love – you and your company, and they can speak to the many ways in which you’ve helped them with your product or service. Since they’re thrilled with what you’ve provided, it’s easy for them to think … Read More

Meet Siddique: Conversation with CEO and Coach Lisa Peskin

Watch Lisa's interview on Meet Siddique now!

BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin had the recent opportunity to discuss her sales and business development advice with Muhammad Siddique, host of a web series that features industry professionals and business owners sharing tips and strategies for success. They talked about what inspired Lisa to build her business, her top three business growth success secrets and more. Watch Lisa’s interview now! Want Lisa … Read More

Too “Sales-y?” Make a Personal Connection

Make a real connection with your prospects with these tips from BDU!

People work with people they like. If you’re a sales person who is too “sales-y,” it’s going to be difficult to get ahead. At the end of the day, no one likes to be sold anything. They want to make a real connection with a real person, not a pushy sales person. BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin has had a flourishing … Read More

That Sales Show: Lisa Peskin on RVN TV

BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin recently sat down with Donna Valente, Executive Consultant and Sales Coach for BDU and host of “That Sales Show,” a weekly live segment featured on RVN TV. Lisa and Donna talked about what makes a sales team successful and how best to manage and coach even the most seasoned sales people. They also discussed the tools necessary … Read More

Meet Siddique: Conversation with BDU’s Speaker and Coach Tom Gill

BDU’s Sr. Sales Strategist and Trainer Tom Gill is a skilled speaker and coach with years of experience helping clients increase their top line. Recently, Tom had the opportunity to speak with Muhammad Siddique about how he landed in his role as a coach and facilitator, as well as his top three success secrets for building business. They also discussed … Read More

BDU’s Thirteen Practical Tips for Prospecting

Learn 13 practical prospecting tips from BDU

Do you have a strong network of referral sources and COIs introducing you to good, qualified prospects? Do you have a long list of potential clients or customers you’re planning to contact? This is a great start, but these referrals or contacts are not valuable until you convert them to net new appointments. Having difficulty with getting your foot in … Read More

Rainmaker’s Roundup: Lisa Peskin on RVN TV

Lisa on Rain Maker's Roundup

BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin recently sat down with Mark Iorio, host of “Rainmaker’s Roundup,” a weekly live segment featured on RVN TV. Lisa and Mark discussed the psychology behind sales, as well as the tools and systems necessary for success. They also talked about how to improve your sales team’s performance, how to fix common sales mistakes and more. Watch … Read More

Closing the Deal: The Number One Secret to Successfully Presenting Proposals

presenting proposals

You’ve gone through all of the steps necessary to successfully bring a prospect through to the final stages of the selling process, and you’re getting ready to present them with a proposal. Do you set a time to meet with them face-to-face to review what you’re offering or do you simply shoot out an email with your proposal attached? Which … Read More

Donna Valente Joins the BDU Team

Donna Valente joins BDU

Business Development University is pleased to announce that Donna Valente, Executive Consultant and Sales Coach, has recently joined the BDU team. Donna brings decades of sales, management and recruiting experience working for high-growth organizations, especially in the educational technology and e-learning markets. She has a reputation for being a sales professional who has generated substantial revenue growth for start-up companies. … Read More

Don’t Waste the Season: Fall Tips for Strong End-of-Year Results

Don’t Waste the Season: Fall Tips for Strong End-of-Year Results

Last month, we provided some tips for maximizing your summer business efforts to keep your progress moving forward despite the common myth that business doesn’t happen over the summer. Now, as we head towards September and prepare to enter the final third of the year, there are only a few more months left to hit your goals. In addition to … Read More

Don’t Waste the Season: Tips for Maximizing Your Summer Business Efforts

Maximize your summer business activities with these tips from BDU!

We’re in the middle of summer, and you may have heard over and over again that it’s a terrible season for business activity. We often hear that people are not motivated to move forward with new deals, sales are slow and everyone is on vacation. However, before you completely write off the summer months as a waste of time, flip … Read More

The Five Keys to an Effective Negotiation

During a recent visit to the gym, BDU’s CEO Lisa struck up a conversation with one of her workout buddies. The topic quickly turned to business, and Lisa’s friend excitedly shared with her that, after much negotiation, he had just signed a large contract for his company. This was a huge deal for him, and he was very proud of … Read More

Bizzy Mamas: Lisa Peskin on Fox29 Philadelphia

BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin was so excited to be featured on a recent episode of Karen Hepp’s “Bizzy Mamas” segment on Fox29 in Philadelphia! Lisa discussed some of the ways she and the BDU team analyze client needs to triage areas for improvement and develop an effective game plan. She also shared a few of her secrets for what it takes to really achieve … Read More

“Spring Cleaning” Your Business Development Efforts

Spring clean your business development efforts with these tips from BDU!

Consider doing a little “spring cleaning” on your business development efforts to remain focused and purposeful in your activities: Reevaluate and make a plan. Don’t just wing it. Be purposeful in your approach. Update your “to do” list. What items reoccur on your list week after week and don’t get accomplished? Does it still make sense to execute those tasks? … Read More

Sales: The Best Career Out There (If You’re Ready For It)!

Lisa at Temple's event

BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin had a wonderful time recently when she spoke with a group from the Professional Sales Organization of TU, a student-run association from Temple University. They held a Fox Sales Challenge event, breaking into groups of two to analyze a case study and showcase their presentation skills for a panel of judges. Lisa is very passionate about … Read More

Triage Your Sales Health: Lisa’s Interview on the Quotable Podcast


Do you know what it takes to make the leap from being a good sales person to being a great one? It’s time to “triage” your sales health, a methodology developed by BDU to help individuals, sales teams and sales forces uncover what three areas, if improved upon, will have the biggest impact on performance. On Episode #88 of the … Read More

Lessons from a Sales Story: How to Maintain Existing Business

Maintain your existing business with these tips from BDU!

It’s so much easier to keep your existing clients or customers than to spend time and effort seeking out new business. How do we maintain our current business relationships to make sure our clients or customers stay satisfied with what we’re providing them and to anticipate their needs if they should change? BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin recently met with a … Read More

CEOs Say THIS Is Their Number One Business Priority for 2018

CEO Think Tank recently published the findings of their 12th annual growth strategies survey, data compiled from businesses in and around the Greater Philadelphia area, and what we’ve learned from the results isn’t the least bit surprising. According to the CEOs surveyed, 40% say “increasing revenues” is their top priority for the year. It appears they’re facing the same challenges … Read More

Business Development: It’s Not Too Late for a Strong 2018

Three tips for a strong 2018

Time goes by so quickly and it’s difficult to believe we’re already in March! It’s easy to become discouraged if you haven’t yet set your business development goals for the year or determined how you’ll carve out the time. Rest assured… it’s not too late! Seize the opportunity today to evaluate the beginning of your year and plan for the … Read More

Eight Tips for Improving Your Sales Performance

Lisa’s Interview with Temple’s Fox School of Business As a Temple University graduate, BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin is proud of the time she spent at the Fox School of Business earning her MBA. She was so honored when they recently reached out to her for an interview on her secrets to sales success. Read the full article, where Lisa discusses … Read More

Selling Power TV: The Secrets to Business Development with Lisa Peskin

SellingPower logo

BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin loves sharing her secrets for sales and business development success. She recently spoke with Gerhard Gschwandtner for an interview on Selling Power TV on a variety of topics, including what she feels we’ve gained and lost through technology, the three things sales managers can do to better impact their organization and what you can take away … Read More

SELL: It’s Not the Bad Four-Letter Word You Think It Is

Learn BDU's 8 tips for sales success without "selling"

Non-selling professionals such as lawyers, accountants, consultants and small business owners need to grow their client base, but they want to do so without coming off as too pushy. It’s hard to walk that fine line between gently pursuing new leads and aggressively going after them, so how exactly to do you sell without being too “salesy?” BDU has eight … Read More

BDU’s Top Five Tips for Success in the New Year

Jump into the new year with these five tips from BDU

Happy New Year! Now is the perfect time to evaluate your past year’s performance and put together your game plan for the year ahead. BDU has five important tips to help you plan for success in 2018: Take a minute to reflect and reset. There is nothing you can do about last year, last week, the other day or even … Read More

Jennifer Einhorn Joins the BDU Team

Jennifer Einhorn

Business Development University is excited to announce that Jennifer Einhorn, Executive Consultant and Sales Coach, has been brought on board as the newest member of the BDU team. Einhorn spent the majority of her career in technology and software sales, as well as in customer success. In her previous roles, she built and managed sales and customer success teams, was … Read More

End-of-Year Triage for Successful Sales Leaders

Sales Leaders end of year triage

BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin recently spoke to a group of Vistage members on the topic of “Sales Superstars: Getting the Most out of Your Sales Team.” One of the main takeaways from her talk was that as a sales leader you have a one line job description: to maximize the potential and performance of your sales associates. How do you … Read More

The Keys to Sales Success – Lisa’s Q & A with Advantages Magazine

Read the full issue

We’re so excited to share this recent spotlight on BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin for ASI’s Advantages magazine! In Lisa’s Q & A, featured in the magazine’s “The Experts” section, she discusses what she’s discovered to be the keys to sales success.   Advantages is the leading industry publication for distributors with content that “regularly gives distributor sales people a leg up on their … Read More

Listen to Lisa’s Interview on Leverage Masters Radio Show

Leverage Masters

BDU’s CEO Lisa Peskin recently had the pleasure of joining the Leverage Masters radio show for an interview where she shared information about BDU’s programs and tools, her business development strategies and the unique approach she takes to selling. Hosted by Gina Gaudio-Graves and Jack Humphrey, Leverage Masters is a weekly podcast where guests share their secrets for business success. … Read More

The Five Steps to Navigating the “Picky” Stage

Regardless of industry, there comes a time in every sales person’s career when they enter the “picky” stage. It’s the stage when, due to time and bandwidth constraints that come along with maintaining, up-selling and cross-selling existing customers, a sales person needs to be particular with the business they take on and the customers they pursue. It is just not … Read More

Closing “Elephants”

Close more "elephants" now with these tips from BDU

I remember early in my career at ADP when I was really struggling with my sales and not hitting my monthly quota. I spent most of my time focusing on very small accounts; they were easy to get appointments with but were extremely price-sensitive, and there was not a lot that I could “sell” to them since their needs were … Read More